If you check the internet, you will find many companies who offer to inspect stucco properties. Many of these companies have never installed or repaired stucco, but instead attended a weekend course on how to inspect stucco. It takes more than just one weekend course to create an expert.
The question you must consider is: "Would you rather have someone who has never repaired or installed stucco check your home for defects or someone who has over 20 years experience at finding and repairing damage caused by defects?"
Master Stucco has more experience than any inspection company. We have inspected and repaired over 2,000 homes and business locations in the Middle Tennessee area and have seen a wide range of stucco conditions. What we have learned is that damage always happens in predictable locations for predicable reasons. We know where to look and what symptoms tell us about the condition of the stucco and the wood framing underneath the stucco.
We know that you are depending on Master Stucco to find any and all problems that exist on your home or a stucco home you are looking to purchase, so we offer a guarantee that no other company can: If your home has damage to the stucco or to the framing under the stucco and we do not find that damage in our inspection, we will repair the damage free of charge. Our years of experience has made us confident in our ability to locate damage. Call us for details.