Maintenance and Warranty Program
Our Gold level of maintenance will increase the level of services included in our contract. At this level, we will visually inspect the home every 6 months for any new problems with the stucco, caulking, paint, or any other condition that would affect the stucco on the home. An annual moisture inspection will also be conducted using a moisture meter. We will also pressure wash the home once a year, repair any small wood damage (smaller than the size of a quarter) and paint, and provide a limited warranty that will guarantee that no moisture related damage will occur to the structural framing that the stucco is attached to during the contract period. No damage to the wood trim, or stucco damage that is beyond our ability to prevent will be covered, for example settlement and impact damage. An annual report will be provided detailing the condition of the stucco and wood trim in contact with the stucco. This level of service requires that a complete moisture inspection be conducted prior to being added to level of maintenance/warranty program.